Call Me the Coffee Shop Cowboy
In some ways, this has been me for the past couple weeks—shirking my usual duty of loafing on the Internet and posting these little discursions. See, I was in Ostrava, Strážnice, Velká nad Veličkou, Brno, and Budapest. All of those visits provided opportunities to do a survey of varied and diverse central European coffee houses, but I may have to talk about other things first. In any case, my blogging of late has been about as interesting as a decaf, non-fat, single cappucino without the sugar (hold the foam), so I'll try to have something more interesting ordered up in the next few days before I'm off again to that den of coffee house leisure and debauchery, the capital city, golden and hundred-spired, tourist-infested but still chugging along, Praha.
*A coffee-shop loafer. The Czech for cowboy (kovboj) doesn't really appeal, though you might have a kavárenský kovboj, too.
Tags: discursions, travel
I'm sure we can supply sufficient debauchery to go with the coffee here. Remind me to tell you about the Debauched Dingo Club.
11:28 PM, December 07, 2006
hey, i am kavárenský povaleč :) and a brno-based one ;)
4:26 PM, February 02, 2007
Aha, I knew there had a to be a few others around! Unfortunately, I'm not in Brno for a while, but perhaps we'll meet up sometime when I'm back around. In the meantime, well, don't drink too
6:33 PM, February 02, 2007
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