To Fly, You Only Need Wings
It is the 1990s. Václav Klaus, the survivor (otherwise known as "career politician") of Czech politics has just visited Egypt. Pictures of Klaus on the back of a camel in front of the pyramids adorn the press. The magazine Transition captioned their photo:
CAMELS FROM MOSQUITOES? – Czech Prime Minister Václav Klaus called charges that his wife's appointment to a company board was a possible conflict of interest "making a mountain out of a molehill" – or, in Czech, "making a camel out of a mosquito."
From Transition, 15 March 1995 (vol. 1, no. 3), p. 38.
Tags: czech, language, politics
Step 1: Turn mosquito into camel.
Step 2: Fit mosqcamel through eye of needle.
Step 3: You are rich! But that's okay! Enter the kingdom of heaven, you crazy camel driver!
Or something.
6:38 PM, January 09, 2007
What is the Czech phrase for the camel/mosquito quote?
7:02 PM, March 01, 2007
Mosquito is komár and camel is velbloud.
The saying is dělat z komára velblouda, literally "to make a camel from a mosquito."
The surname Komárek, I guess, would mean roughly Mr. Mosquito. :-)
8:26 PM, March 02, 2007
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