Is the Medium the Message?
Bill and I now judge events in our lives as to whether they are blog-worthy. When we’re together, we have an unspoken agreement as to who gets to blog about whatever cool thing we encounter. … And he’s crestfallen if I haven’t read his entry before we go to bed. A remarkably specific ettiquette is emerging in this uncharted land. (Source)
I was busy trying to think up a witty academicism about McLuhan and the message and the medium and me...and the magic [Cue drumroll and disco ball.]....the music.....the footlights.......fame....... But neither inspiration nor inscrutable and dense academic prose struck. Anyway, I'm sure it would have been a bit too much blargon.
I also noticed that in order to have a cool blog [Cue music again.] you have to be either famous - MC Hammer, the creator of Ren and Stimpy, or related to Jane Goodall - or homeless. I'm afraid that the Czechs are not well-represented. Does Mr. Havel have a blog? Nohavica? Polívka?
(Actually, Nohavica does have a "song" blog, but it's not very active.)
Well, personally I think our (and our friends'/our favorite) blogs are sufficiently cool. But I can expound on that when your phone finishes charging.
9:53 PM, March 01, 2006
Yeah, I tried to come up with a witty remark about M.M., too. But then I am afraid I would have a Woody Allen moment and someone would bring M.M. online (even if he is dead) to tell me that I am completely full of shit.
And your blog is cool Jesse.
3:08 AM, March 02, 2006
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