Who Stole Put back Christmas?
Regarding a move (by Fox news anchors and some conservative Christian groups) to boycott stores that don't advocate "Merry" Christamses, and other things:
"They claim that the 'traditional' American Christmas is under attack by what John Gibson, another Fox anchor, calls 'professional atheists' and 'Christian haters.' But America has a complicated history with Christmas, going back to the Puritans, who despised it. What the boycotters are doing is not defending America's Christmas traditions, but creating a new version of the holiday that fits a political agenda." (More)
Happy Holidays, everyone!
A good part of the "traditional" American Christmas is, of course, German. Probably more so than British. My understanding is that England and the United States adopted a lot of German Christmas customs in the mid to latter 19th century (like Christmas trees).
11:41 AM, December 05, 2005
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